
Tips To Prepare For Your Child’s First Visit

On the day of your appointment make sure your child is well rested.

The less “fuss” the better. Parents shouldn’t make a big deal out of the first visit but we do suggest talking with your child about what to expect.

Explain that dentists are our friends and that their job is to take care of our smiles. Everyone goes to see the dentist to make sure their teeth stay healthy.

You can describe how the dentist will look into your child’s mouth, take pictures of and count their teeth, then brush them with a fancy toothbrush!

In our experience it is best not to use words that cause unnecessary fear (i.e needles, drill).

No need to tell your child that the dentist won’t hurt them because this thought probably hasn’t even occurred to them. Instead just assure them that the Dentist and Staff will take good care of them.