Tooth Eruption Guide - Dentistry For Childern
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Tooth Eruption Guide

6-10 Months
The lower and central incisors are usually the first to erupt.

8-12 Months
The upper central incisors erupt.

9-16 Months
The upper then lower lateral incisors erupt.

16-23 Months
The upper and lower first molars and canines (cuspids) erupt.

23-33 Months
The lower then upper second molars erupt.

6-7 Years
The lower central incisors erupt after the primary ones are shed. The upper and lower first molars erupt.

7-8 Years
The upper central incisors and lower lateral incisors erupt after the primary ones are shed.

8-9 Years
The upper lateral incisors erupt after the primary ones are shed.

9-10 Years
The lower canines (cuspids) erupt after the primary ones are shed.

10-12 Years
The upper and lower first and second premolars (bicuspids) erupt after the primary first and second molars are shed. The upper canines (cuspids) erupt after the primary ones are shed.

12-13 Years
The upper and lower second molars erupt.

17-21 Years
The upper and lower third molars (wisdom teeth) erupt.

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